Saturday, September 27, 2008

Goal Setting

One of the best ways to learn to set goals is entering a martial arts program. Martial arts prepares a person by setting minor goals to achieve their overall goal. Example: A new student enters a martial arts program with the goal of becoming a black belt. The student will start out as a white belt or some schools require the student to earn their white belt by learning about the school, how to pronounce teacher in the language of the art, and several other minor requirements. Once the white belt is obtained the student will work for their first stripe learning basic self-defense, stance, punch and kick. The student will work to achieve this goal by practicing at home and class. As time goes on the student will progress through the different color of belts with each belt requirements becoming more difficult, technical, and deeper understanding of the martial arts system. At some point through constant goal setting and hard work the student will progress to their black belt exam and some day hold the coveted black belt. However, the new black belt will learn that his 1st degree black belt is just the bottom rung of the ladder. In almost all martial arts systems there are 10 degree's of black belt with 10th degree being the highest rank in that martial arts system. The goals for each new black belt vary widely depending on the kind of system, style of the system, nationality of the system and the instructors goals for each student. I have set goals in the martial arts for 40 years achieving 8th degree black belt Chinese Kenpo, 6th Degree Black Belt American Kenpo, 2nd Degree Gokei Shinyo Ryu Jiu Jitsu, 1st Degree Judo. This site has some nice concepts about studying martial arts. I am not recommending the school just the site. I do not know anything about this school. They may be very good.

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

I'm right there with you on the goal setting. Diligence. Every time I slow down, want to quit, or can't push myself forward in my marathon training, I tap my forehead with my palm (harder if it needs it) and chant "diligence, diligence, diligence." Hopefully it works. Oh, and a strong shout out from a SW nut that threw his hands up in frustration with the Clone Wars and finally gave up. "Heir to the Empire" opened a whole new world for me back in the early 90s and made me fall in love with a galaxy far, far away once again. EU > PT. That's all I have to say about that.